Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Shirley

So my manager at work has this super cute baby named Shirley. He asked me to paint her and in my head I was doubting my abilities to do a human painting. Dogs seem easier. I decided to take on the challenge and it was not easy...but I think in the end this was a successful painting that taught me a lot.

Here is Shirley in her first Halloween outfit as a duck. I set her in the sky for both fun and contrast to the yellow outfit...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today a thought

"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home."

This was a quote that struck a chord with me today. In my moments of introverted hibernation (which have become more frequent lately), I find myself painting as a way to travel. Being I can not afford to roam the world aimlessnessly as I would LOVE I paint to find reprieve from life. To live inside my own creation, by the meditation of the paint going onto a blank canvas.