Yes my dog is a chihuahua, and I love her to bits. I never thought I would have anything in common with Paris Hilton but alas this cute little creature has brought us together. I have never been a small dog person until Ruca came wobbling into my life at 5 weeks old, but I truly adore her. She is so loyal, and loves me no matter what. She doesn't care what I wear, or if I am rich or poor, smelly or not, it doesn't matter she still goes crazy with excitement when I come home. Dog's don't hide behind anything they just are what they are...I wish people were more like that.
I was driving up to a winery with John when Ruca fell asleep on my lap. I put my big shades on her and she just kept on sleeping. I thought it made her look quite fashionable, and I liked the contrast with my striped leggings.
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